Facebook Graph API

computer vision, technology, visual cognition
facebook, gist, semantic web

If you are one of the +500 million users of facebook, and you know your user id, try plugging it in here: http://zesty.ca/facebook/

This uses the Facebook Graph API to get information about Facebook users in a very accessible manner.  Of course, it is only your “public” information that is accessible without authorization.  But once you “allow” an application to access your information, you’re allowing access to EVERYTHING.

Generally, these items are publicly known:

   "id": "0123456789",
   "name": "Parag K Mital",
   "first_name": "Parag",
   "middle_name": "K",
   "last_name": "Mital",
   "locale": "en_US"

and also your Profile picture.

Check out a montage of the first 3600 Facebook user’s profile pictures, obtained just by using the public url: http://graph.facebook.com/USER_ID/picture

And an image of the average of all 3600 profile images: