Other Intelligences
City Lights
Audiovisual Scene Analysis: Experiment
Stimulus for a behavioral psychology experiment looking at the eye-movements and EEG recordings of individuals watching these films. This experiment compiled EEG and eye-movement analysis with and without audio to help build a computational model of audiovisual understanding. The difference in eye-movements, along with the auditory and visual features being perceived, were combined to form the basis of an audiovisual model of perception dictating which audiovisual features would likely be attended.
Featured are pioneering works in visual music including the artists Norman McClaren, Emptyset, Walter Ruttman, and Steve Ferrer.
The Trial
An audiovisual collaboration between Christos Michalakos, Lin Zhang, and Parag K Mital.
Originally performed for the Dialogues Festival on 12 April, 2010 as support for Humcrush and Leverton Fox in the Voodoo Rooms of Edinburgh. More info:
Polychora stands for a 4 dimensional polytope, a connected or closed figure of lower dimesnional polytopal elements. These elements are thought of as the impulses of the piece and their combinations are intricately explored and decomposed in order to create a soundscape of particles. As an exploration of synaesthesia, the visuals are created as an audio-reactive algorithm based on brightness, panning, texture, noisiness, pitch, and their combinations. By combining the amorphous space of possible impulses and the range of sound textures, the polychoron takes a visual shape altered by the different dimensions of texture.
This piece was presented at the Soundings Festival on February 6th and 7th, 2010 (curated by Andrew Connor).
Audio by Christos Michalakos:
Visuals by Parag K Mital:
Michael Jackson Experiments
SOUNDCLOUD: This series explores the generation of Michael Jackson's Beat It using various other corpora of sounds.
SOUNDCLOUD: Early music from college days
The Experiment
SOUNDCLOUD: Early music from college days