Soundings Festival

audio-visual, music
audio-visual, christos, soundings festival

As part of an audio-visual collaboration, Christos Michalakos and myself have experimented with a possible rendering, Polychora, for submission to the Soundings Festival. I’m happy to announce that our piece was selected and will be presented on February 6th as part of the evening festival, 6 p.m. at the Reid Concert Hall, Bristo Square, Edinburgh, Scotland. Uploaded here are a few stills from the video:

As well, a short description of the piece:
Christos Michalakos & Parag K Mital – Polychora:

Polychora stands for a 4 dimensional polytope, a connected or closed figure of lower dimesnional polytopal elements.  These elements are thought of as the impulses of the piece and their combinations are intricately explored and decomposed in order to create a soundscape of particles.  As an exploration of synaesthesia, the visuals are created as an audio-reactive algorithm based on brightness, panning, texture, noisiness, pitch, and their combinations.  By combining the amorphous space of possible impulses and the range of sound textures, the polychoron takes a visual shape altered by the different dimensions of texture.